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Washington Post spotlights Catholic University's beloved 'Ms. Willie'

Ms. Willie
Posted about 2 years ago  in Catholic University News.

The Catholic University of America community members have loved "Ms. Willie" Joyner for nearly a half of a century. She has loved them right back.

Now, the world knows why. The Washington Post profiled Joyner Dec. 8, just days after the University unveiled the "Ms. Willie Joyner Dining Room" inside the new Garvey Hall. The customer service liaison helps manage the Chick-fil-A inside the Edward J. Pryzbyla University Center and has been a fixture for campus diners for decades. Current and former students celebrated Joyner as the name of the dining room was revealed.

"It lets me know I am doing the right thing at Catholic and in God’s name," Joyner told The Post. "It was all about love. It was all about respect.”

The Post story highlighted Joyner's mentorship of students through the decades. Ed Gillespie graduated in 1983 and became one of the nation's foremost political leaders. His time at Catholic University was marked by Joyner's love and counsel, he told The Post.

“For nearly five decades, Willie Joyner has blessed Catholic University students with a shining example” of that, Gillespie said. “Long after she has retired — if she ever retires! — Willie’s spirit will infuse that physical space.”

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