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Growing as a Cardinal!

Posted over 2 years ago  in First Year Families.

Growing as a Cardinal is a six week program that first year students will participate in as soon as classes begin. The goals of the program are to help first year students adjust to Catholic U as smooth as possible and to help them become part of the campus community. Through this program, first year students will be introduced to a variety of resources the University offers. They will discover helpful people and places that they otherwise would not have known about. Growing as a Cardinal provides workshops, service opportunities, and social activities in order to help first year students gain knowledge and tools that will help them become a successful individual, not only in college, but also in future years to come. Administrators, faculty, staff, and students all participate in Growing as a Cardinal in order to give first year students the opportunity to acquire as many resources as possible.

As first year students, they will have the opportunity to attend events put on by student organizations and departments. There are six categories of events. Faith & Service, Intellectual Development, Wellness, Social Connections, Community & Responsibility, and Intercultural Understanding. A description of each of these are below. Once a first year attends two events from each of the six categories, they will be eligible to win some great prizes. The person who attends the most events will win the Presidential Prize Package.

To view the events that are part of Growing as a Cardinal and to check on your status throughout the first 6 weeks of school, visit the Nest and navigate to your "Paths" or go straight there at . These events will begin to be populated as the school year starts.

Description of the six categories for Growing as a Cardinal

Red Line = Faith & Service
Programs on this line will allow students to learn about the Catholic faith, explore their personal beliefs, and engage in service to the CUA community and beyond.

Yellow Line = Intellectual Development
Programs on this line will challenge students to make the most of their academic endeavors while at CUA and provide them with the resources to do so.

Blue Line = Wellness
Programs on this line will assist students in their personal development and promote ways to remain safe and healthy on campus.

Orange Line = Social Connections
Programs on this line will provide opportunities for students to meet each other, make connections, build relationships, and have fun.

Green Line = Community & Responsibility
Programs on this line will explore what it means to be in a community and how each student is responsible for contributing to a positive community at CUA.

Silver Line = Intercultural Understanding
Programs on this line will challenge students to explore their cultural identity, learn about cultures different from their own, and gain an understanding of the impact of culture on society.

Growing as a Cardinal Schedule

You can also view or subscribe to the Growing As A Cardinal 2022 Google Calendar to be able to plan ahead for what events are coming up!

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Yolanda Rice over 2 years ago said

This Is Great. 😊


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